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12/2/2024 - Our first trail work day came and went this past Saturday. Traveling in most areas was not as wet as was previously thought, however, swamps and other low areas still are NOT froze. We were able to get plenty of access to clear trails, but, we do need to work more to clear remaining brush. Standing field grass and other vegetation is crazy high everywhere in the woods so that does not improve the process! As far as Lake Vermilion goes, it is not yet iced in but most bays are entirely froze over so it won't be long now for the water to be totally locked up! As always, watch for updates!  

12/14/2024 - Our second/follow up trail work day came and went! We have tracked most trails with our groomer (but not grooming) in hopes of expediting the freeze process. The heavy, wet snow we received last week was not helpful in terms of keeping the trails clear, there are still lots of areas that have small brush annoyances. One major additional hurdle is the Wolftrack swamp before it intersects with the Taconite - we did not yet track this section, nor have we received word if anyone else has. If we get updates, we will share. We also ask your patience in waiting for the lake to be staked. Stay tuned!   

1/2/2025 - Snow, winter, ice?! What happened to it? Clearly, conditions need tons of improvement. The update today basically involves sharing that we managed to stake the Cook end of Vermilion finally. Please be aware of water on the ice, and be especially careful around the Niles Bay/Oak Narrows area as there have been reports of standing water on the ice as well as layered/broken ice. Please keep your fingers crossed and do your snow dance! It does appear that the cold weather is coming! Stay tuned!   

April's club will be held at our clubhouse @ 6:30PM this Tuesday night. 

1/15/2025 - With the most recent snowfall, we've been able to groom the Bearskin and the Wolftrack both! We did turn around north of the cedar swamp area on the Wolftrack so please be careful if coming north from the Taconite trail. We could still use some more snow but we did the best grooming with what we have. Also - there have been reports of riders traveling on the Vermilion River - if you choose to do this, please use caution as we have not verified any reports. Folks have reported the pressure ridge in the Niles Bay area has improved but we STILL urge caution in this area. As always, be safe out there! 

2/4/2025 - Throughout this past Saturday, we received snow around the area ranging from 4" to almost 8." We have been able to finish grooming areas where we previously couldn't from lack of snowcover. Going forward, we should be able to keep grooming somewhat regularly. We also started grooming operations on the Vermilion River access trail from Wolf Bay Lodge. Conditions now are better than they have been for most of the last 2 seasons! Our recommendation is to get out and ride! Plus, we have more snow in the forecast again for this Wednesday! 

2/17/2025 - Wow the cold! The snow is definitely not going anywhere in the short term. Since the weather again has been cooperating, we have been able to again hold to a regular grooming schedule. Look for temperatures to improve this weekend to support better riding comfort. We could use a little new snow to help with grooming efforts, but, we're working with what we have. 

© 2019 Cook Timberwolves

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